From Canadian bum to Fashionista? Is it possible?


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Marc Jacobs et Louis Vuitton Documentary

It appears that the cloud of mystery that had surrounded the inner workings of the fashion industry for so long, may finally be passing. These past few years, have you noticed the influx of fashion appearing on the big and small screen?

Case and point, the number of documentaries that have popped up including:
The very widely marketed The September Issue following Anna Wintour's reign in Vogue.

(I thought this movie was just meh)

Valentino: The Last Emperor

Habilees - Spring/Summer Report by Loic Prigent
(I liked this one. It talks about emerging designers in France receiving a lack of support within their own country and compares it to NYC and London where young designers are burgeoning. To me, it revealed the underside of Paris' oh-so-iron-clad-image as the fashion capital. Very interesting and Agnes the narrator/interviewer is very entertaining as she flounces from one place to the next.

You can view the documentary here

And then there are the movies: Coco, Avant Chanel

(Fact bit: During the second world war, Coco apparently had an affair with a German Nazi spy and collaborated with Nazi SS to set up a meeting with Churchill's relative. !!)

So the other day, I was at my local library (again) and the cover of this DVD caught my eye.

It's a documentary about Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton by Loic Prigent. And because I know virtually nothing about fashion, I loaned it.

After watching it, I would say that this documentary is a must see! It truly gives you an inside peek into Marc's creative process and his life. I would say even more than The September Issue did for Vogue or Anna Wintour. The movie You get a sense of how Marc Jacobs thinks, what his quirks are, who he is as a person and what he does in his spare time.

Before watching this documentary my only conception of Marc Jacobs was as the label of his brand of bags and clothing. But after watching this documentary, you get a sense of the person behind the name Marc Jacobs . And that person is adorable! You see footage of him dancing and playing with his colleagues at work, even sharing his food! It brings a sense of closeness to his "name" and you can truly imagine him as your friend beyond the name Marc-with-a-C.

You have to watch the documentary for yourself, but here are some highlights of some of the things I took away from it:

I was surprised to learn that 24 hours prior to the Louis Vuitton shows, the fashion house is basically playing musical chairs with their bags and accessories! Here they are swapping this look with that, to determine what bag/shoes/headband/scarf go with what. I was always under the impression that designers had specific images of the outfits in their minds all along and even so, this would have been done weeks in advance. How exciting!

Marc's take on balancing his life: "I have no separation between work and life."

Marc's take on what success means to him: "I don't know how define success, I guess it's just to keep doing what I'm doing."

Oh how wonderful!! They show the creative process of how Louis Vuitton bags come into existence. It's incredibly wonderful to see!

Do you remember this polkadot bag??

How did it come to be??

He got his inspiration from the Polkadot Queen in Japan: Yayoi Kusama

They called the bag the Macaron layout! The colours are just like the pastel colors of the macarons at LaDuree!

There are even macarons at the dinner table every night work Marc works. But don't be deceived he doesn't eat them.

What does Marc Jacobs eat for dinner? For that, you'll have to see the movie yourself to find out ;)

Next on my docket of movies to watch for some fashion smashion inspiration nation...probably is this documentary on Karl Lagerfeld and Chanel: Signe Chanel by Loic Prigent.
Why don't you watch it with me?