From Canadian bum to Fashionista? Is it possible?


Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays Fashionistas!

Check out these rings, they make the perfect gifts!!

Beautiful Life

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Step One complete?

Guess what bloggers!

So I moved to the capital of Canada for law school and I've been hanging out with my new friends. Two of my girl friends commented today on how I dress. One told me today "You're always so fashionable!" And another later in the night, said to me "You always have such cute outfits."

No one's ever told me that before! Really?? I feel the transformation myself. From old shirts and just jeans to a cute sweater dress, jean jacket and a scood (scarf hood from the men's department at Zara).

I guess change really does happen?? I don't feel entirely fashionable yet but perhaps I will get there one day.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just a lunch date, no big deal

Two days ago at lunch I met Alexander Wang. He was at Holt Renfrew at Yonge and Bloor doing some purchasing stuff in the morning and in the afternoon did a meet-and-greet with fans. Major major fashion calling. Lots of NYC style hipsters, especially can I say skinny skinny tall guys in long shorts, loose worn t-shirts and fashion shoes. Also, lots of girls in hobo-chic. I would describe some of Alex's basic stuff as Derelict chic?? Is that going too far? But it reminds me a little bit of the episode of Zoolander with the Derelict run way.

Anywho here are some pics. Enjoy.

Great service, friendly staff. Very well managed event Holts.
Note the professional picture-taker in white and professional bag holder beside also in white.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fashion Crimes

Good article by Oyster Magazine on Fashion Crimes including Chanel's floundering with Nazism and some juicy million dollar jewelry thefts in Paris.

Fashion Crimes - Oyster Mag

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Marc Jacobs et Louis Vuitton Documentary

It appears that the cloud of mystery that had surrounded the inner workings of the fashion industry for so long, may finally be passing. These past few years, have you noticed the influx of fashion appearing on the big and small screen?

Case and point, the number of documentaries that have popped up including:
The very widely marketed The September Issue following Anna Wintour's reign in Vogue.

(I thought this movie was just meh)

Valentino: The Last Emperor

Habilees - Spring/Summer Report by Loic Prigent
(I liked this one. It talks about emerging designers in France receiving a lack of support within their own country and compares it to NYC and London where young designers are burgeoning. To me, it revealed the underside of Paris' oh-so-iron-clad-image as the fashion capital. Very interesting and Agnes the narrator/interviewer is very entertaining as she flounces from one place to the next.

You can view the documentary here

And then there are the movies: Coco, Avant Chanel

(Fact bit: During the second world war, Coco apparently had an affair with a German Nazi spy and collaborated with Nazi SS to set up a meeting with Churchill's relative. !!)

So the other day, I was at my local library (again) and the cover of this DVD caught my eye.

It's a documentary about Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton by Loic Prigent. And because I know virtually nothing about fashion, I loaned it.

After watching it, I would say that this documentary is a must see! It truly gives you an inside peek into Marc's creative process and his life. I would say even more than The September Issue did for Vogue or Anna Wintour. The movie You get a sense of how Marc Jacobs thinks, what his quirks are, who he is as a person and what he does in his spare time.

Before watching this documentary my only conception of Marc Jacobs was as the label of his brand of bags and clothing. But after watching this documentary, you get a sense of the person behind the name Marc Jacobs . And that person is adorable! You see footage of him dancing and playing with his colleagues at work, even sharing his food! It brings a sense of closeness to his "name" and you can truly imagine him as your friend beyond the name Marc-with-a-C.

You have to watch the documentary for yourself, but here are some highlights of some of the things I took away from it:

I was surprised to learn that 24 hours prior to the Louis Vuitton shows, the fashion house is basically playing musical chairs with their bags and accessories! Here they are swapping this look with that, to determine what bag/shoes/headband/scarf go with what. I was always under the impression that designers had specific images of the outfits in their minds all along and even so, this would have been done weeks in advance. How exciting!

Marc's take on balancing his life: "I have no separation between work and life."

Marc's take on what success means to him: "I don't know how define success, I guess it's just to keep doing what I'm doing."

Oh how wonderful!! They show the creative process of how Louis Vuitton bags come into existence. It's incredibly wonderful to see!

Do you remember this polkadot bag??

How did it come to be??

He got his inspiration from the Polkadot Queen in Japan: Yayoi Kusama

They called the bag the Macaron layout! The colours are just like the pastel colors of the macarons at LaDuree!

There are even macarons at the dinner table every night work Marc works. But don't be deceived he doesn't eat them.

What does Marc Jacobs eat for dinner? For that, you'll have to see the movie yourself to find out ;)

Next on my docket of movies to watch for some fashion smashion inspiration nation...probably is this documentary on Karl Lagerfeld and Chanel: Signe Chanel by Loic Prigent.
Why don't you watch it with me?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My first real bag

Dior recently came out with a video featurette starring Marion Cotillard called The Lady Noir Affair. It's the latest in the fashion industry's latest embracement of technology. This video is Chapter one of two videos from Dior. They say that there should be installment two being released soon.

If you want to see just the bag, you can skip ahead to 1:10 to see the little classic black bag.

Cute non? At first I felt as if the bag was maybe a little "too classic" and that there wasn't a hip enough feel to it, making it difficult to wear in the everyday sense. But then I've been seeing girls walking around downtown carrying similar purses on the street, really without a big woo-ha of an outfit. Sometimes with a boyfriend blazer, sometimes with a cute skirt and tights, but less so with jeans and a t-shirt (which has essentially been my uniform for the past 21 years).

Recently, I visited Hong Kong and Taiwan and really badly wanted to come back with something like this bag, knowing that there is more selection over there, and at better prices.

Second hand Chanel bags like this were really what I was looking for and wanted...
...but even fake Chanel was out of my price range.

So instead I found this "Chanel-inspired" bag.

It even has a poche sourire in the back!

It's not perfect but I promise once I have enough money I'll buy some real Chanel.

In addition to the poche sourire, I like that I can wear it across the shoulder or carry it short depending on my mood. It also sits higher than traditional messenger bags - right on the hip, making it ultra fashionable than most other messenger bags.

Do you think this is a good substitute for a poor student?

Can I wear this with a boyfriend jacket and jeans?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alexander the Queen

News just broke. Alexander McQueen found in his London home. No vital signs.

Check out the news.
Alexander McQueen News

He was 40 years old. Very sad. I'm pretty sure most designers thought he was the next up and comin'. Known for his extravagant shows, those big lips.

And his latest runway show: the animal-esque prints and hoof-like shoes.

I saw some red-carpet c-listers wear them.. to my disbelief. But I think the bold prints were definitely coming back.

Do you think his clothes will become more famous, as a result?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fashion in the library

Books on fashion.

I went to my local library today and tried to see what they would have. I think the last place anyone would go for information about fashion is the library. Books published on clothes are almost inately outdated. The sheer idea of publishing a book about fashion implies documenting the past and fashion is so much about the future - the next pairing of clothes, the next show, the next designer, the next season.

Regardless, the fact is that it's free. Free = good.

I did a simple search in the catalogue for "fashion" and walked away with this: Fashion 101

Fashion 101 - it's a dictionary for clothes. Sorted by clothing type - skirts, pants, tops, shoes, coats. It gives short paragraphs on different types of skirts and who they were made famous by and how to wear them. I found it marginally useful. Probably only worth a skim, though the drawings are nice. It was interesting to find out the names of some items and how they originated eg. Mary Janes or Wellingtons, but other than basic knowledge, the book doesn't add much purpose to helping develop my fashion sense.

I guess now I know how to call certain items when I'm at the store... so as not to look like a fool, but I wouldn't recommend a buy.

The second book I picked up was Vogue Fashion: Overview of 100 years of Style by Decade and Designer
It's sorted by decade and designer as the title suggests. With lots of pics. For a newbie like me, it gives brief blurbs about designers like Lagerfeld and Gaultier. Will give a more thorough analysis when I go through it in depth.

Magazines - Flare.
I used my Roger's gift for the Flare subscription. There's something that caught my eye in this season's issue.

I've walked past this model display eight times a week as I head to class. It's from Burberry's latest collection and was featured in the magazine. And I found this pic off the Sartorialist's Nov 2006 page. I think closed toe looks a lot better than Burberry's open toe version

Is this really coming back? Socks and heels??

What do you think? Will this survive? Does it look good?