From Canadian bum to Fashionista? Is it possible?


Friday, June 3, 2011

Phase two complete?

I went to the TNT Anniversary at Yorkville.
For those of you who don't live in Toronto, Yorkville is the posh of the posh neighbourhood in Toronto. High-end designer boutiques, expensive salons and wedding dress shops, pricey bakeries and patio restaurants where all the stars come to mingle when they're in town. The Four Seasons hotel is right in the heart of it, which is a reason why so many celebs are spotted there.
If you come to Toronto and want to see a celebrity, just put on your sunglasses and sip a drink on the patio of Sassafraz.

Anyways, back to phase two.
I went to the TNT party. I was really thinking that it would be for customers and fans of designers mostly. I was surprised when everyone was dressed to the nines. They looked liked fashion buyers, magazine editors, media people. Dan J Levy was there, Johnny Hockin, models, Greta Constantine. I was the ONLY and i mean THE ONLY girl not in heels (i had to subway and walk!).

So I had thought about what to wear beforehand, knowing that my friend is very fashionable, and I didn't want to disappoint. I wore the Urban Outfitters Alphabet shirt see here for a refresher.
So I try navigate the party with my head held high, wine in hand, pretending that I belong just as much as the next girl.
And as I'm walking out, a lady stops me and says "I just wanted to tell you that I love your shirt!" I reply with a cool "Thanks" and don't stop a beat in my pace.

As I'm walking away what I'm really thinking is "EEEEEE! I went to a FASHION event and got complimented on my CLOTHES. WOO HOOOOO"

So I guess I can give phase one a complete check and maybe phase two a good spanking?

Check out here for some pics to the event to get a sense of what I'm talking about.

Also just as a little extra some'n, I'm leaving the store and a walk in front of a short bald man. He stares at me for a little bit, I do a double-take on why he's looking. Turns out it's Tie Domi. Ok I guess Tie Domi can be a little creepy if he wants. Again, I walk ahead of him like it "ain't no thang" but inside I'm thinking, this is SO cool.

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